Enter your Username and Password, then click "Next":

Error: Session Failed. Please log in. 0

  • If you forgot your Password, then use the Reset form.
  • If you forgot your Username or you changed your email, then Contact Support.
  • To ensure HIPAA compliance and the security of your data, please remember to logout after each use.
  • Do not disclose or lend your Username and/or Password to someone else. They are for your use only and serve as your electronic signature. This means that you will be held responsible for the consequences of unauthorized or illegal transactions.
  • Ensure that your system software is up-to-date, applies the latest security patches, and is running anti-virus software.
  • User usage may be monitored, recorded, and audited. The use of the information system establishes your consent to any and all monitoring and recording of your activities.

Welcome to your Roji Registry, the technology platform for Roji Health Intelligence Solutions. It is a robust, patient-centric database with built-in Applications for visualizing outcomes and patients that enables you to see current performance. Interactive Applications help providers review and respond to results, and collaborate to improve patient health.

Your selection of Roji Registry platform is based on your chosen Goal and Solutions: the Roji Health Intelligence Clinical Data Registry for full MACRA performance, for creating a Top Value Network, or for Succeeding in Risk; or, the Roji Health Intelligence Registry to meet MACRA quality reporting and attestation.

Daily Maintenance: Midnight to 5 am Central Time. Login will not be available during Daily Maintenance.